Saturday, February 27, 2010


168***888*** SLH*** JHS*** 168***888***888*** 168***JHS***SLH***

Written by Leonardo Delizo, PhD, MSBA


1. Habit. Such is worry, developed over a long period of time. And any habit that can be formed can also be broken. So the first step is to start breaking yourself of the worry habit.
2. Strangle. That is the basic meaning of the word worry: to strangle or choke. It can cut off your natural energy and effectiveness. Do not strangle yourself with worrisome thoughts.
3. Foolish. That is what worry is. A foolish waste of mental energy. It has been computed that 40 per cent of your worries concern the past 50 per cent are related to the future, and 10 per cent are about present problems. Ninety-two percent of most worries never happen. You can handle the remaining 8 per cent,
4. Forget. An effective way to stop worrying about past mistakes is to become skilled in forgetting. The past is past, so forget it. Every day say aloud: “Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus’ (Phil. 3:13, 14).
5. Overlook. “The essence of genius is to know what to overlook,” so said the great psychologist-philosopher William James. When the worrier learns to overlook, attention is lessened, uptightness disintegrates, and a new attitude can be “skip it.” This is important to the healing of worry.
6. Future. Stop looking for dark spots in the future. Look for a future full of light, one in which God watches over you. Do not worry about what may happen, but create good happenings through faith.
7. Imperturbable. You will not be a worrier when you cultivate the attitude of imperturbability. Regardless of anxiety or stress, say and believe, “God is keeping me calm and peaceful.”
8. Empty. The mind can be emptied of anything. So, if you have filled it with worry thoughts, start now to empty those thoughts out of your mind. One way to do this is to declare with authority: “I am now emptying my mind of all worry, anxiety, fear, insecurity.”
9. Fill. The mind is so constituted that it will not long remain empty. It must be filled with something positive or the negative thought pattern of worry will return. So every day deliberately practice filling your mind with strong, healthy thoughts. Say aloud: God is now filling my mind with courage, strength, peace, and assurance.”
10. Presence. One of the greatest techniques for courageous living is the practice of the presence of God. Learn to know that God is with you every minute, day and night. Use this affirmation daily: “God will never leave me. I am never alone. His presence protects me.”

Source: Norman Vincent Peale

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